May 23, 2014

A Great & Wonderful Week!

Wow, what a great and wonderful week. We have a new Relief Society president (who actually served in this mission!). She realizes the importance of members in missonary work, because she went out with us this week to visit a bunch of part-member families. Yesterday, we had a Family Home Evening with her and her husband at a family's home who's wife is inactive and the father isn't a member. It went really well. We are wanting to put a baptismal date with him very soon and help make them an eternal family! I'm so excited to see what these next few months bring.

Funny story of the week: So our water ran out and we had to go buy a new one. It's those big huge gallon jugs that you have to turn upside down right? Well, it was so hilarous, we bought it and were trying to put it in the dispenser....just goes to show that we need to do some push-ups...we could NOT do it! It was so hilarious, and laughing our heads off while trying to lift it did not help. Took away all the little strength we had! Well, we also dropped it and water went EVERYWHERE...oh man. What an adventure. We finally got it in the dispenser. Whew. Hahahahaha!

We had a Seventy come visit us this week! Elder Alin Spannaus. It was a REALLY good conference. Practically the best one I've been to! He talked about the elements that make up everything we should do, and of course LOVE was in the middle of it all. If we don't have love for the people, the work, the Lord, then why are we here? Then what are we doing? It was awesome!

So transfers are here! Hermana Rojas will be leaving me and going to Arica! And I'll be staying here training! Wooo, I'm excited, and a little nervous, but I'm happy that the Lord has trusted me to teach one of His new missionaries.

I hope all is well! I love you all so much! :)

Hermana Jennifer Howell

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