August 4, 2014


Dearest everyone,

Can I tell you how I know that an investigator really has great potential? Every time we try to watch the Joseph Smith movie, it always has some kind of problem where we can't finish it. Then we'll try it out in the portable DVD player that we have for training, and it works just fine. It's happened EVERY SINGLE TIME with a really good investigator. But that's okay. We always find our way around it and the Spirit is still felt and strong every time.

There was a stake activity this last Saturday, and Hermana Maldonado and I played the guitar and sang "As Sisters in Zion"...we were so nervous but everyone told us that is was beautiful. I would have a video to show you, but Hermana Maldonado was so nervous that she left the camera on the seat when we went up.....but we have other videos from practicing in the house haha....maybe one day you'll see one of those.

So can I just tell you how amazing these past 18 months have been? I can't believe this is my last letter and I'll see you guys in a week. It still feels unreal. But I have really loved being a missionary. I have really seen lives changed, especially my own. My testimony of the restored gospel is stronger, and I have felt my Savior's love. It's true what they say that it's the hardest thing you'll ever do, but it really also is the most rewarding. I did feel inadequate, and I still do sometimes. I did feel discouraged, confused, tired, but you know what, if I hadn't experienced all that, I wouldn't have been able to experience all the GREAT things that happened, like feeling the Spirit, love, happiness, satisfaction after a hard days work, and so much more.

I know that this gospel is true and that God lives. I know that the most important thing we'll ever do in this life is share the gospel. I'm also forever grateful for all your support and love. I couldn't have done it without you.

So go out and share the gospel. Someone's life needs changing.

Hermana Jennifer Howell
Chile Antofagasta Mission
Feb. 2013 - Aug. 2014

Some of my favorite memories:

Coolest & Scariest Experience


Well, this week was pretty normal, full of sweet lessons and dogs barking at us (Hermana Maldonado screams pretty loud, just so ya´ll know), and most importantly, feeling the Spirit.

But on Saturday, it was the coolest/scariest at lunch we ate at this family´s house and the son (who served in Columbia) told us this story where they jumped him and everything. It was seriously an intense story. Well, that night we were walking towards our investigator´s house, and we were talking about that story, when we noticed these men following us (who knows if we were just scared about the story we had heard, or if it was for real, but we were scared). We crossed the street to see if they were really following us, AND THEY CROSSED TOO. About at this moment, we're winning the gold medal in speed walking, and Hermana Maldonado says "Over here!!!" We dodge into this little store on the corner of the street with faces that I'm sure scared the guy behind the counter. He asked us if we were okay, and we told him that there were these guys following us. He went out to go "talk" to them (I don't know what he had in mind), but they had already gone. We started talking to him and getting to know him...and guess what...he's our investigator now! He's a cool guy. He's 50 years old, but looks like he's 30 (for real). He lived in New York for like 15 years and studied cullinary arts there. He had this little shop of Indie music, but it didn't go well so he came back to Antofagasta. He asked a TON of questions that are easily answered by the gospel....his name is Yoso (I don't know how to spell it) but it's Joseph in Croatian or something like that. Maybe the Lord "pushed" us into that little store! Who knows but he's awesome.

I love you all :) Keep yourself safe!

Hermana Jennifer Howell